Showing posts with label Eclectic decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclectic decorating. Show all posts

How To Bring The Eclectic Style of Decorating Into Your Home

Eclectic design is simply a combination of different decorating styles to create one individual look. For example, if your favorite style of decorating is traditional but you also love modern and the Asian look, you can mix all three and produce a vibrant eclectic style of your own. If you want to showcase your personality in a room, the eclectic style is probably your best avenue to do so. Whether it's showcasing your collection of vintage pieces or contemporary art sculptures, eclectic design is a good choice.

In order for the eclectic style to look and feel harmonious, it must be balanced with these elements: color, texture, furniture, proportion and scale.


Start with a neutral color scheme such as creams or whites as a foundation and mix in your favorite bold color palette such as oranges or reds.


Choose fabrics with rich texture such as velvet and bold patterns such as checkerboard, plaids and tapestry. Accessorize your fabric choices with tassels and trim. Adding wallpaper to your walls is a great example as it will not only give it texture but pattern as well.

Proportion and Scale

One of the most important elements in eclectic design is scale and proportion. Make sure that your furnishings and accessories are scaled to proportion; otherwise your room will tend to look unbalanced. (see slideshow).


To make a bold statement add ethnic furniture or period furniture to the mix, e.g. an Asian print screen, African console table with wood carvings or vintage table and chairs.

Below are good examples of the eclectic style of decorating:

                                        All photos  courtesy  of  House Beautiful

How To Cleanse Your Body Naturally With A Lemon Ginger Detox Drink

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